Saturday, December 22, 2007

Goodbye Tofu Socks

The tofu socks are finished.

They are in The Man's Christmas stocking. The Man's Christmas stocking is nice and bulge-y. Bunny's stocking is empty. Bunny is harping on the fullness of The Man's stocking in the hopes that The Man will make the connection and realize that:
  1. Bunny's stocking is empty.
  2. Bunny wants something in her stocking.
  3. No one else lives here.
  4. If anything gets put in Bunny's stocking, The Man is going to have to do it.
  5. By Christmas morning.

He's not a stupid man, but neither is he a subtle man.

Do you know what this means? It means that Bunny only has two projects going, beagle blanket and purple cardigan. I'd like to point out that just because you may be working both sides of a cardigan front simultaneously on the same needle from two balls of yarn in an attempt to ensure that they turn out symmetrical and the same size doesn't mean that this will actually happen unless you pay attention to what you are doing and alternate sides. If you just work the same side back and forth over and over, it will end up much larger than the untouched, unworked side. Then you'll have to do make-up rows and measure them and shit, which you hate, which is why you did it this way in the first place.

I am going into the stash to pick out something nice for myself, I am going to start some fair isle socks, and maybe I'll pull out some of the leftovers and do a hat or something that I can actually finish soon and feel like I accomplished something.

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