Sunday, March 23, 2008

Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Muppet Blanket Has to Go

That's right. The stole I was knitting from this:

was committing the double offense of being too muppety and I was going to run out of yarn before it was long enough. It's gone. I'm going to try again later.

I have other things in the works. Because I finished the December sock club socks yesterday, it is time to start the January sock club socks. I suppose I'll wind the yarn and read the pattern today.

Also, I'm getting somewhere on the mirror-image ribbed socks:

I'm also working on a lace scarf. I'm pretty sure I suck at lace, you know, the real stuff made from the super-fine yarn, but Yarn Harlot says all lace looks like ass until it's blocked. My lace so far looks like ass but it isn't blocked, so I am going forward blindly with the faith that it will all turn out fine in the end.

And here are some plain socks for The Man, with yarn he thinks is red, posed next to the daffodils, such as they are:

That yarn ain't red, but don't tell him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For guys, there are only ROYGBIV colors (minus those fruity I and V colors), plus brown. And the rest? Way too confusing. So red it is.