I have posed it on the deck on top of the special dog poop can where, as you might have guessed, we keep the dog poop until it can go out in the weekly garbage. This reflects my non-joy upon receiving it.
What is it? Surely you can all see the sock club logo on the address label. It is the March sock club sock. I am not happy. I really wanted to finish the December sock club socks before the March sock club socks arrived. By half of one row and a frakking* bind-off, I failed:
That's OK, I decide, because there is a lot of basketball today, which means good knitting time. My team is not playing, sadly, but the Blue Devils are. I have more than 20 years' experience listening to TV announcers fawn over the saintliness and perfection of the Blue Devils and the Very Large Ferret who coaches them (and the two sniveling ex-player assistant coaches, in which company I do NOT include Johnny Dawkins, who really is a god) ....... whew! long sentence! Where was I? ...... OK fawning, Blue Devils, oh yeah! nothing to get engrossed in there, so this is an opportunity to finish. I WON'T open the package until I finish the January sock club sock.
And so I finish the December sock club socks:
Pretty colors, hmmmm? Sock 2 is a little longer in the foot than Sock 1 because I couldn't read when I was knitting Sock 1. That explains why I ended up with the wrong number of stitches for Sock 1 when it was time to turn the heel. What did I do when I discovered my error?
a. Ripped it all back and started over, cursing that I had ever been born, and wondering how I could possibly have turned out to be so stupid.
b. Accepted imperfection and moved on because nobody will ever notice but me, and embracing imperfection is a triumphant step in the direction of personal growth.
You may now return to the top of the page to complete the quiz.
Nice wave pattern on the foot, eh?
And now I am feeling more at peace with myself and with the United States Postal Service and I decide that refusing to even open the March sock club sock until the January sock club sock is finished is a stuppid idea that does not contribute to personal growth or my well-being. I opened it:
Green. My favorite color.
* I would like to thank the writers and producers of Battlestar Gallactica for giving the world a new non-dirty cuss word that I can use with impunity.
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