Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Bunny Learns the Hard Way

I finished the Giotto cardigan. I sewed the seams and knitted the edging and put the buttons on and it was done. But I had a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Something was wrong. One of the fronts was longer than the other. So much longer that creative button placement and seaming was not solving the problem. It was simply not good enough. So I stewed about it for a while, and now it is done.

Meaning, I undid the edging and some of the seams and ripped back the too-long front and I'm going to do it over. Next step is to take the buttons off the other side, realign them, measure them, and come up with a plan for the do-over. I plan to cast on by the end of the day.

Needless to say I am a failure sad. To prove I am capable of knitting sometimes cheer myself up, here are the recently finished July socks.

I think maybe today is going to be the kind of day where I cast on a bunch of new things and finish nothing.

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