Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Give me back my nap

It is a Federal holiday, a day of remembrance and, for the cynical, a day of rest.  I'm supposed to have contractors here, but I don't.  The one doing outside work can't work because it's raining, and the one who needs to do some inside work just didn't bother to show, which means that numbers three and four may not be able to adhere to the schedule we have, and this project may never be bleeping finished.

Fine.  No work is to be accomplished today.  I'm tired, so I'll take a nap.  Only I can't because DingDong! someone shows up with a delivery for number two that I didn't know we were expecting.  (I'm rather pleased about the delivery, actually.  I was concerned they'd forgotten about that bit but the delivery means that they haven't forgotten, they just haven't been telling me everything.)   So good and I settle back down and then DingDong! contractor number five shows up to do some poking around and measuring.  He was not expected today.  My nap is blown.  Fuck it.  The only thing that can help me now is a trip to the yarn store, even though writing checks to contractors one, two, three, four, five, and six (oh yes, there is a number six) has left Mr. Bank Balance a little low.

But isn't this supposed to be the place where we discuss the knitting?  Fine.  Here is some knitting:

These are the Ilga socks.  Named for a woman but claimed by The Man.

How bout that fair isle, hmmm?  And the braid!  Do you see the braid?  I am awesome.

And then there are these:

The September socks.  All done as of last night.  They aren't for me either.  I'm working on a shawl and a scarf that are for me.  The shawl is black, which means it photographs like ass, and the scarf is lace and I fucked it up so bad I decided to rip it out and start over, which means it technically is not on the needles at this particular moment, but it will be once I put some time in on some secret deadline knitting and once I buy new short straight 4's to replace the now-broken replacement size 4 straight shorts that I got when I broke my short size 4 straights.  Or maybe I'll get a size 4 circular with lace points instead.  


Anonymous said...

Strong enough for a man, but made for a woman! Wasn't that an Irish Spring commercial? Except that I enjoy the beautiful, warm socks a lot better than stinky old soap, that's for sure.......

Also, stolen naps bite the big one, and retail therapy may be the only known cure.

Anonymous said...

Don't you love waiting for contractors to show up.

But won't things look nice when everything is done? When do we get to see the results?

Dirtbunny said...



Anonymous said...

Awesome Fair Isle Socks!!

Dirt Bunny takes naps? I thought she gave those up 2 score and 2 years ago.

As for the contractors, if you get anymore you'll have to register as a business and start paying benefits.

Anonymous said...

So we were in the almost everything store getting parts to repair a ladder. This is always dangerous because while the elderly but very knowledgeable men wait on one of us the other is free to roam looking for treasures previously unimagined. So my question is; is $1.97 too much to pay for four 0.047 in diameter wires 36 in long to be used in blocking a sweater?