Monday, April 5, 2010

Bafana Bafana

See if you can guess which country the Bafana Bafana are from:

Yes, I am going to use all of those colors except the non-matching green on the left, which I noticed before I started knitting.  And yes, I am still going to have enough green to finish.

That awesome little zippered bag in front is a replacement for a pink version of the same bag that Kirby ate.

The Man:  He ATE it?  *thinking about a trip to the emergency vet*
DB:  OK, he chewed it past the point of usefulness and repair.  It's dead because it was in his mouth.  Is that close enough?
The Man:  *if it's not going to hurt the dog, what does The Man care about precious knitting doo-dads?*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In light of past traumatic events, isn't it natural to think of the possibility that I (um, someone) might have to put my hand down a doggie throat to retrieve an unauthorized object? Shudder!