Saturday, June 14, 2008

It sucks to have a job

Whoooo! Tough day Friday. A lot of clock-watching. I couldn’t wait for the work day to be over so I could go home and work on this:

I am utterly and completely charmed. It’s a perfect project. I love the yarn (Debbie Bliss Cashmerino bulky and superbulky). It’s soft and plush and cuddly. I love the color: rich, warm green. I love the little sheepies. I like the black one and the little small one next to the black one and I like the one with the big head up at the top. I like changing colors, and just when I get sick and tired of managing all the color changes and the ends and bobbins hanging off the back, I am done with a little sheepie and can do a few rows of plain, soothing stockinette stitch. Just when that gets dull, it’s time to start another sheepie. I even love the seed stitch border.

Love, love, love.

I stayed up later than usual Thursday night watching el futbol on the DVR because I wanted to finish just one more sheep before bed. And then I got up and finished the last sheepie Friday morning before work while I had my coffee. So now I only have some ends to weave in (ick) and about 10 rows of stockinette and 10 rows of seed stitch and then it will be done! It was horrid being at work when all I could think about was getting home to the sheepie blankie and finishing it.

Also, I'm done with the teasing.

Behold the Red Lace Scarf

It is ethereal! It is soft! It drapes! It lies flat! It no longer looks like ass! I just might do some more lace someday.

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