Today is Columbus Day, the best day of the year. Athough we have cloudy, chilly weather this time, that just means that I can make soup and maybe when it's done it won't look like diarrhea to me. I intend to enjoy myself today. While The Man completes the vacuuming (Hey! I dusted, and I did some vacuuming too), here is your periodic yarn-related update.
I have a use for the last of the Pam yarn:
I still have a way to go on this, but the colors are blending nicely, and the scarf is turning out both manly and cuddly at the same time. I like this way better than stripes. (oooh! speaking of stripes, I could start on some World Cup scarves now that more teams have qualified!)
And there are some plain brown socks:
This yarn was some kind of ugly in the skein, but it knitted up very well, and it's soft, too.
And there are a lot more socks as well. These are the ones I didn't have to dig out of a drawer to photograph:
Those are some Ilga socks destined for The Man, the September sock club socks, and some purple jobbies from the leftover purple yarn for the Kimono shawl.
Speaking of which, this would be an excellent time to show you the kimono shawl:
Nope! That is The Man sporting his lovely new Flit and Float scarf in lovely lilac Zephyr with the butterflies and the ruffled edge. (Also, he is wearing the grey sweater I knitted for him two years ago.)
OK, here it is:
Oh yeah. This might be the best thing I have ever done. Or it might be the second-best thing after the
crimson cardigan. I can't decide. I love them both.
Check it out:
Didn't I do a great job? I am so proud of this and I love the color too. The color, by the way, is Mel's fault, because she made a Baby Surprise Jacket for The Bean from this yarn. I loved the color so much that I greedily snapped some up for myself. I am not going to give this one away. This one's a keeper.