Friday, October 16, 2009

Not Done After All

I thought I was, but I'm not.  Can you see the problem?

*going off to have tantrum now*

OK, I'm back.  Now, please check out these two photos of ADP:

that's David Trezeguet on the bench, and Lorenzo Ariaudo (with the ridiculous hair) in the background looking on

What lesson can be gleaned from these photos and applied to my knitting problem?

Figured it out yet?

The answer is:  Some of the most horrible, unthinkable mistakes (that hat, that awful, awful hat) can still, despite all appearances, be fixed (the hat is detachable).

I can fix this.  I'm not quite out of yarn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course you can fix it! You are the knitting goddess; Venus de Milo with arms and fingers, just don't let YB ingest the remaining yarn.