Friday, May 30, 2008

Gaaaaah! Gaaaah!

This house is an embarrassing crap hole of yarn piles, knitting book piles, and assorting yarn-related detritus strewn about in a stress-inducing anxiety-making way. Every flat surface in this house is covered either in yarn or dog hair (it's warming up and they are shedding). The Old Folks are coming tomorrow and there is no where to sit.

I have bathed Kirby and now I need a bit of a rest before I can start working on denuding the Yarn Bandit of his winter coat, so I started poking through the yarn mess to see where we are with what.
Here is the Ye Olde Yarne baby hat:

You will see that I ripped out the old version. The rolled edge didn't look right, so here we have a do-over with a ribbed cuff, and a little I-cord top knot. This is for Poppy. I hope it bears some relationship to the size of a small human head so that Poppy could actually wear it someday.

Here are the stripeys:

They are displayed to advantage on my new sock blockers. What, may you ask, is that in the background? That is someone's jacket---not mine---draped over the back of the same chair where it has lived for about three weeks now. I bet you one hundred billion dollars that someone--not me--hangs it up in the closet before the Old Folks get here tomorrow.

Yesterday, to my great delight, I received the May sock club sock. This yarn is uncommonly beautiful, but for now, it goes into the drawer where it will wait its turn.

It is time to start a new plain sock. I'm not sure what to do. I have another skein of stripey, and another skein in another color, and I would like them to be done. I also have a bunch of different self-patterning stuff I want to get to. I am most called to do a set of tiger socks, but starting those now would violate my rule prohibiting more than one Ye Olde Yarne project at once, because I had planned to start a pink hat for The Bean from some heavyweight socks that rock leftover from the twinkle toes. Can't do both.

I defer that decision until after I brush Tiki.

Bunny out.

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