Monday, July 28, 2008

All Froggy, All the Time

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Froggy's fronts and back are finished, her shoulder seams are sewn, her sleeves are knitted, the fiddly little cabled bit around the neck is done, and all we have left are:

  1. sewing the fiddly little cabled bit around the neck to the top of the back

  2. picking up stitches around the front edge and knitting two inches of edging

  3. sewing in the sleeves

  4. weaving in ends

  5. blocking

This is doable this week. I can do #1 and some of #2 tonight, finish #3 and #4 by Thursday night, do #5 on Friday, and it will be dry and ready to wear on Sunday or Monday. At last.

I will, of course, be working on smaller portable projects during the commute and at knitting circle on Tuesday, but otherwise, I am ready for Froggy to be finished, and so I am on a push to get her done.

By the way, a commenter asked about by use of the word "frog." No, it is not a made-up cuss word, although frogging puts knitters in a cussing sort of mood. Frogging is the act of ripping back knitting (because you rip-it, rip-it). That, and the answers to many other questions, as well as obscure ramblings that don't fit anywhere else, can be found here on Dirtbunny's FAQ page (including a bit on why in the world Bunny thinks she needs a FAQ page).

Uh oh. Kirby and The Man are back from evening walk a little early. It's trash day, so maybe there was some trash can trauma.

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