Sunday, July 6, 2008


Let's recap. I have washed the purple lace scarf and it turns out that it's a good thing I stopped when I did because it grew when wet and is plenty long by any standards. Also, not that you can tell from the photos, but it looks pretty good.

Also, this is done. Front:


The Man sez, uuuuhh, is that for Poppy? Isn't it cute how hard he tries? No, dear. Poppy might look good in it, but his father might object (I say, never having met Poppy's dad, but figuring it's a safe assumption given what I know about other dads and how they feel about their sons wearing dresses). It's for The Bean.

Und hier ist el tigre:

One down, one to go.

I've got half of the chart done on the Elephant Blanket, but no photos yet, and I got me a one-armed sweater that I might possibly finish this week. And I turned the heel on the March sock and engaged in plenty of lustful yarn activities, such as choosing patterns and researching yarn and such. I've got a pile of mohair in three different colors that I don't know what to do with. Hat, maybe. Possibly a scarf depending on yardage. But what I really want to do is buy yarn for all the sweaters I have planned in my head. I made a deal with myself. No buying sweater yarn until the teal sweater is done and the first bit of The Man's red sweater is on the needles. Yarn for socks and baby projects, as always, doesn't count.

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