Sunday, July 20, 2008

Post the first

While Bunny takes a break from the interminable weaving in of ends, I bring you

Ta Da

The Elephant Blanket, seen from the wrong side with some of the finishing and all of the embroidery done. There are three more border sections to do and some additional embellishments, but I have to say that I'm getting pretty good at intarsia.


Anonymous said...

I like elephants. They're cute. A kid with elephants watching over it will be a happy kid.

Anonymous said...


One of your nephews today was playing fireman and decided to put out rain forest fires (can a three year old create an oxymoron?) because he wanted to use his elephant. Of course the elephant could not be a fire elephant with a fire hat so he dug through his Mr. Potatohead(TM) stuff and found one that fit the elephant's head. Your are not the only creative one in the family.